Corn and Potato Cutlet
Corn and Potato Cutlet

Hello everybody, hope you’re having an amazing day today. Today, we’re going to prepare a distinctive dish, corn and potato cutlet. One of my favorites food recipes. This time, I will make it a little bit unique. This is gonna smell and look delicious.

Corn and Potato Cutlet is one of the most well liked of recent trending foods on earth. It is appreciated by millions every day. It is simple, it is fast, it tastes delicious. They are fine and they look fantastic. Corn and Potato Cutlet is something which I have loved my entire life.

Corn cutlets or corn kebabs are a good alternative to the more common potato cutlet, and a great way to make them more nutritious by adding some vegetables. If American corn is used for making the Cutlets, they may have a slight sweet taste. Indian corn on the other hand it not that sweet.

To begin with this recipe, we must prepare a few ingredients. You can have corn and potato cutlet using 14 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook it.

The ingredients needed to make Corn and Potato Cutlet:
  1. Prepare 4 Potatoes (Steamed and Mashed)
  2. Prepare 1 cup Corn (Steamed)
  3. Take 1 tbsp Oil
  4. Take 1 Onion (Finely Chopped)
  5. Take 4 Cloves Garlic (Crushed)
  6. Take 1 Sprig Curry Leaves (Finely Chopped)
  7. Make ready 4-5 Long Green Chillies (Finely Chopped)
  8. Get as required Pink Salt
  9. Prepare 1 tbsp Coriander Leaves (Finely Chopped)
  10. Take for Coating:
  11. Take 1 Egg, beaten
  12. Get 1 cup Bread crumbs
  13. Take for Shallow Frying:
  14. Make ready as required Oil

Try other recipes using sweet corn kernels like Baked Potatoes , Chunky Cheese and Vegetable Open Burger , Corn Methi Pulao , Sweet Corn and. A Healthy and Favorite Snack for Children. Often, parents worry about what to feed children when they get home from school. Obviously, you should make a nutritious food to revitalize them.

Steps to make Corn and Potato Cutlet:
  1. Wash and steam the potatoes. Remove skin and mash it and keep aside.
  2. Steam the corn. Allow it to cool. Add it to the mashed potatoes. Mix well and keep aside.
  3. Heat oil in a pan. Add in the chopped onions and saute till the onions are soft. Add in the crushed garlic and saute for a minute.
  4. Add in the chopped curry leaves, finely chopped green chillies and salt. Set aside.
  5. Add this to the potato corn mixture alongwith coriander leaves. Mix well.
  6. Make patties and keep it in a plate.
  7. Take the patties and dip it in the egg and then in the breadcrumbs. Set aside.
  8. Heat oil in a pan until hot. Place the patties and shallow fry on both sides until golden brown. Remove the cutlets and drain on paper towels. Serve immediately with any sauce of your choice.

Sometimes, children are fussy and won't eat certain foods that taste. Corn cutlet recipe With video and step by step photos - crisp melt in the mouth corn patties made with mashed potatoes and stuffed with a spicy corn filling. Corn patties is a famous monsoon snack in some parts of India, especially in western India. On a recent trip to mahabaleshwar (a popular hill. Corn cutlet recipe - These sweet corn cutlet or patties can be had for breakfast or as a evening Snack.

So that is going to wrap this up for this exceptional food corn and potato cutlet recipe. Thank you very much for reading. I’m confident you can make this at home. There’s gonna be interesting food at home recipes coming up. Remember to bookmark this page on your browser, and share it to your family, friends and colleague. Thank you for reading. Go on get cooking!