Fried sweet potatoes with steamed veggies
Fried sweet potatoes with steamed veggies

Hey everyone, it is Drew, welcome to my recipe page. Today, I will show you a way to make a distinctive dish, fried sweet potatoes with steamed veggies. It is one of my favorites. This time, I am going to make it a bit unique. This will be really delicious.

Fried sweet potatoes with steamed veggies is one of the most popular of current trending meals in the world. It’s simple, it is fast, it tastes delicious. It’s appreciated by millions every day. They are nice and they look fantastic. Fried sweet potatoes with steamed veggies is something that I’ve loved my whole life.

Mukbang - meatloaf, mashed potatoes, seasoned sweet peas & corn! Here roasted sweet potatoes, mushrooms, and shallots are tossed with baby kale, which wilts slightly from the still-hot veggies. Why settle for disappointing store-bought veggie burgers when this sweet potato version is so easy to make?

To get started with this recipe, we must first prepare a few components. You can cook fried sweet potatoes with steamed veggies using 15 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook that.

The ingredients needed to make Fried sweet potatoes with steamed veggies:
  1. Get 1 tuber of Irish potatoes
  2. Get 1 cup vegetable oil
  3. Make ready to taste Salt
  4. Prepare Black pepper
  5. Get Ketchup
  6. Make ready Chilli sauce
  7. Make ready 1 tomato
  8. Prepare 3 basil leaves
  9. Take 1 small celery stalk
  10. Get 1 big catrot
  11. Make ready Green onions
  12. Get Pumpkin
  13. Take Chinese cabbage
  14. Get Garlic-ginger paste
  15. Prepare 1 spoon coconut oil

A wide variety of sweet potato fries options are available to you, such as part, style, and freezing process. These baked sweet potatoes are filled with a mix of veggies, chickpeas, and creamy yogurt-based green goddess dressing. These healthy sweet potatoes from Toasted Oven Love pack some extra sweetness, thanks to a filling of juicy pineapple chunks, raisins, and crunchy pecans, all topped with. Use sweet potatoes to create nutritious meals for the whole family, from vibrant veggie tacos to zingy soups and comforting bakes.

Instructions to make Fried sweet potatoes with steamed veggies:
  1. Peel and wash the potatoes. Put into a colander to drain the water. Add some salt and black pepper. Mix properly for even distribution
  2. In a clean frying pan, add to oil and allow to heat up then fry the potatoes till golden brown. Drain into a kitchen paper towel.
  3. Wash and roughly chop up the veggies. Add some salt, black pepper, garlic-ginger paste and a spoon of coconut oil. Mix thoroughly.
  4. In a steamer, steam first the carrots, white part of the onions and pumpkin. Once soft, add the roughly chopped tomatoes, basil, green onions, celery and Chinese cabbage.
  5. Allow to steam for another 2 mins. Set off the heat.
  6. In a small bowl or plate, mix some ketchup with chilli sauce. Stir.
  7. Serve the potatoes with the steamed veggies and the ketchup with chilli sauce.
  8. Enjoy.

They can also be peeled and steamed then mashed with butter and flavourings or peeled and added stews, curries and soups. I've found that keeping sweet potatoes around my apartment is a really good idea, so I always have a delicious food fix Who doesn't love the classic side dish of sweet potato fries? This particular recipe is vegan and contains a ton of flavor It contains a bunch of great veggies and is packed with flavor. Sweet potatoes are packed with flavor, hearty, inexpensive, and easy to cook with Joule. All you need to cook perfect, easy sous vide veggies are Joule If you cook vegetables in an unsealed bag, the additional air can cause the bag to float, which leads to uneven cooking.

So that is going to wrap this up with this special food fried sweet potatoes with steamed veggies recipe. Thank you very much for your time. I’m confident you will make this at home. There is gonna be more interesting food in home recipes coming up. Don’t forget to save this page on your browser, and share it to your family, colleague and friends. Thank you for reading. Go on get cooking!